Monday, February 22, 2010

Mild Dysplasia Prevent Two Questions - Can Men Be Treated For HPV, And Do They Do Treatments For Mild Cervical Dysplasia?

Two questions - Can men be treated for HPV, and do they do treatments for mild cervical dysplasia? - mild dysplasia prevent

I told my doctor I think I have a cervical dysplasia. It was a biopsy taken from two different areas in my neck and I heard the results. He said that he was of what the chances are that I have seen dysplasia are quite high. That and the fact that I have the high risk HPV.

If I have a mild cervical dysplasia, I fear that if they treat me well, I'll do it, because I think there are still men. It is the only man I had sex with me constantly worried the virus comes back to me, and I face this as possibly for the rest of my life.

My questions are these:

1. Men can be treated for HPV, in order to prevent the spread of the virus?
2 If I have only mild dysplasia, then my doctor or had to wait until I reach the stage of moderate or severe?

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