Thursday, January 7, 2010

Nyc Bike Table Is It Theoretically Possible To Ride A Bike From NYC To Paris Via Frozen Ocean Between Alaska And Russia?

Is it theoretically possible to ride a bike from NYC to Paris via frozen ocean between Alaska and Russia? - nyc bike table

It seems, look at satellite images that Google is only three miles, the difference between Little Diamedica (USA) and Big Diamedica (UK) Canary. If you come across what looks like a frozen sea is connected. It therefore seems possible, on foot or by bicycle United Russia. But continuously starting from New York to Paris would be needed to reach these islands w / out a boat that is only about 25 miles from the mainland. Is that enough time to cross the frozen ocean?


David in Kenai said...

You're right, is about 50 miles from continent to continent. The Bering Strait is frozen every winter, and the people of the snow machines (which they call 48-staters snowmobiles) and / or ski planes land on the ice.

However, it is often open in the ice expansion, contraction and movements, most adventurers willing to cross 10-50 feet of water, as needed.

He saw the big questions such as:

Hundreds of miles of wetlands between Manley Hot Springs (the nearest road) and the Bering Strait. At least he would be frozen in winter, but he wants a dog for the sled, not a bicycle, unless someone has opened the way for you.

Hundreds of miles of marsh or with snow on the Russian side, covered, before the dirt roads or paved areas.

Border crossings outside of designated sites is rarely appreciated by the beneficiary countries. Above all, Russia. The guy who was Sailboard Little Diomede Diomedes arrested upon landing in Russia. Cool trick, though.

island.l... said...

Wow ... What a great idea ... Have you thought to yourself, or after "The Long Way Round" on television? More than 2 types of motorcycles from Scotland to New York in an easterly direction around the world.

littlemi... said...

David in Kenai know what you mean. It would be almost impossible for a bike to ride the coast. If you are just a bike, walk through the swamps and lakes, which were without food may have invented, will go too far as the villages of the replenishment of food for a cyclist. No, as they say, the ice is only a rough and full of great pictures of broken ice, but the subtleties and open waterways. People who walk or snowmobile that the route had been found trying on a floating iceberg the size reduction. And with global warming, even have some of those whose ancestors went through the ice for centuries are lost at sea when the ice was not as thick as in the past to predict. Scientists predict summer ice in the Arctic will disappear in a few years.
If you want to make an epic bike ride, you can make known any other cause? Raising money and awareness? Make presentations on the road? If you drive through Alaska's only you and mosquitoes. Probably notNorthern Canada, or, as you would have to look over your shoulder for the polar bears. If you want adventure you can go the route of an explorer to do?

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